Cost of Admission: Free for members; a $10 suggested donation for non-members
This is an in person event.
Join Susan Fox Rogers for a talk and walk! Susan will discuss early women bird watchers who observed birds through an opera glass and who fought to protect our birds from the Great Egrets shot for the plume industry, to the Chimney Swifts of Iowa, to the Prairie Chickens of Wisconsin. These determined, fascinating women will serve as inspiration for the ways we can change the world in small but important ways. Susan will then lead a short bird walk and visitors can share what we know about the birds that we hear and see.
Susan Fox Rogers is a writer, birder, teacher, editor, rock climber, and kayaker. I write about the natural world and adventures large and small in the outdoors. My first book My Reach: A Hudson River Memoir explores the Hudson River from the perspective of my kayak and meanders through history, natural history, and personal history. My second book, Learning the Birds: A Mid-life Adventure, chronicles the first three years of my late-in-life bird journey, from the Hudson Valley, to Florida, Arizona, and Alaska. There’s bird adventures, detours through history, and a little bit about me. According to some readers, you don't have to be a birder to enjoy this memoir. But you’ll probably want to go bird watching.
Copies of Susan's books will be available for sale at the conclusion of the program. Registration is free for members and a $10 donation for non-members. Registration is required.