
Salix discolor

American Pussy Willow

One of the joys of spring is watching the catkins of the American Pussy Willow expand into their velveteen display and collecting them for flower arrangements. American Pussy Willow is a small tree or shrub, typically growing to heights between 6 and 15 feet, though it can grow to 25 feet in certain cases. It makes an excellent hedge that can be easily cut back to encourage more growth. Propagating this willow is as simple as cutting a twig and putting it in the ground in a damp area. And if you are interested in planting a rain garden, you should consider the American Pussy Willow, which thrives in wet and even swampy conditions. The name Pussy Willow derives from the supposed resemblance between the Pussy Willow’s catkins and soft cat feet. Like all willows, the American Pussy Willow provides a critical source of early pollen and nectar for insects. It is also an important host plant for many butterfly species including the Viceroy, a butterfly that mimics the appearance of the Monarch and whose life cycle is intricately linked with the willow. The Viceroy lays its eggs on the top of willow leaves. A small caterpillar then emerges and remains on the leaf even as the leaf dries and falls to the ground during the fall. The caterpillar remains in its leafy sleeping bag until spring returns, when it departs the leaf and climbs up the tree to eat before becoming a chrysalis. Hopefully this story will encourage you to be a “lazy” gardener and not clean your garden and leaves up too much in the fall!